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Thursday 25 March 2010

Blog thoughts for today....

Massive effort = massive results. Thats my new theme, I`m going to start my new blog which will be my final one as well as being the main one to earn income from ebay. The aim of all my blogs is to get as many hits on ebay as possible. To make my business succeed I will need to direct over 1000 hits a day onto ebay of which hopefully about one or two percent will make a purchase. If I add this to the income from writing and advertising it will be happy days.
The first part of my plan will be 40 steps, one a day for 40 days with a target of 200 hits per day on ebay. 

Step 2

  1. Read 55 reviews.
  2. 10 posts on twitter.
  3. Write list page for blogs.
  4. Write 1 review.
  5. Place 1 advert.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Step 1

  1. Read 75 reviews on Dooyoo.
  2. Five posts on twitter.

Blog thoughts for today

The weekend has been a disaster, I didn`t complete many of the tasks and as a result I`ve had very few hits on the site. I think the problem is that the marketing tasks I have set myself are to time consuming . I will try a different approach to see if I can improve the number of hits. I will try to do a few reviews and posts still but I will start to add other ideas to the mix at the rate of one a day. So here goes 30 steps over the next 30 days and hope to achieve at least 100 hits per day.

Friday 19 March 2010

Blog thoughts for today...

I have set my marketing targets for the next five days.I want to give my blogs a boost over the next five days, hopefully I will be able to achieve in excess of 50 hits per day. The two main areas of effort are to add 1000 comments on other blogs a big ask but it will get a my blogs a lot of exposure. I will also write and post at least five reviews. Other things I will be doing are increasing the number of followers on twitter and adding as many new posts as possible to my blogs.


  1. 30 posts on my blogs.
  2. Achieve 200 followers on twitter.
  3. Read 500 reviews.
  4. Update blogs change wording.
  5. Add comments to 1000 blogs.
  6. Post 5 reviews.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Blog thoughts for today...

The number of guests who clicked on my blogs exceeded the twenty mark yesterday which is fantastic.There is also an increase in the amount of time and how many pages are being viewed by each person. Slowly but surely the blogs are begining to work. I must keep posting as much as possible and keep increasing the marketing. I am having a problem with the Google adsense adverts not relating to the content of each page. I keep getting motorcyle adverts. I have changed  my first page and will give it 48 hours to see if it changes the adverts. If not I will have to email Google.

Total hits for 17th March = 21


  1. Write 10 posts for my blogs.
  2. Read 30 reviews.
  3. 10 posts on Twitter.
  4. Visit 20 blogs and leave comments.
  5. Publish 1 review.
  6. Post review on Ciao.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Blog thoughts for today...

The number of hits per day is increasing and I hope to have 20 hits on my blog by the end of today. One person spent nearly an hour on the blog and visited 18 pages which is really good. I have now started to provide a service on my book blog. I am listing loads of competitions which I hope will bring return visitors.

Total hits for March 16th = 16

Marketing ...day11

  1. Write 12 posts on blogs.
  2. Post 1 review on Ciao.
  3. 20 posts on twitter.
  4. Read 50 reviews on Dooyoo.
  5. Visit 50 book blogs.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Blog thoughts for today...

I have now got three blogs up and running and I was really impressed by the number of hits. I`m over halfway to achieve 20 hits per day so I should be able to exceed my target of 20 + per day. I still need to work on how I get people to spend more time on my site.

Total hits for 15th March = 13

Marketing ...day 10

Going to have a change of the way I`m marketing today. Rather than spend so much time reading reviews I am going to try visiting other book blogs and see if I can build up my followers.
  1. Read 25 reviews.
  2. 10 posts on twitter.
  3. Commet on 50 blogs.
  4. Write 6 posts on my blogs.

Monday 15 March 2010

Blog thoughts for today...

I have launched my new blog today, its about books and book clubs. I intend it to be a mix of book reviews and interesting facts about books and book clubs. I have posted a new review which is the first I have written in over a week. I really need to write more because reviews are the bread and butter of my earnings as well as being a key point in my marketing efforts. I want my earnings to exceed £15 this week as well as attracting 20+ visitors to my site each day. I will need to put a lot more effort in.
Over the course of the week I will be going through the posts on my blogs and linking various keywords as well as checking if the adverts are relevant to the posts I am writing.

Total hits for 14th March  = 6

Marketing...day 9

  1. Started new blog.
  2. Published one new review on Dooyoo.
  3. Wrote ten comments on Dooyoo.
  4. Rated fifty reviews on Dooyoo.
  5. Posted one review on Ciao.
  6. Ten new followers on Twitter.
  7. Wrote four new posts for my blogs.
  8. Wrote ten comments on book blogs.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Blog thoughts for today.

I had a day off yesterday and I was really surprised when I checked my blog. Nine people hit the site, about half of them looked at different pages and one person spent ten minutes browsing the site. My blog appears to be coming on nicely. One browser even added herself as a follower. Some of the hits are people coming back from previous days which is really good. I`m going to spend a bit of time this next couple of days and work out how I can increase my marketing efforts.

Total hits for March 12th  = 7
Total hits for March 13th  = 9

Marketing...Day 8

  1. Write one review for Dooyoo.
  2. Twenty posts on Twitter.
  3. Three posts on Facebook.
  4. Number of Twitter followers to 120.
  5. Write four posts on the blog.
  6. Research Topcashback.
  7. Write ten comments on reviews.
  8. Read 100 reviews.

Friday 12 March 2010

Daily thoughts...blog

Six hits on the blog yesterday, the good news is that some one has visited a few times and has on one visit looked at eight pages. I`m really pleased with that. It shows that there is interest in the blog. I am going to put a lot of effort in over the coming week both writing new posts and increasing the amount of marketing. My target is to see if I can start averaging twenty plus visits per day.

Total hits for 11th March = 6

Marketing..Day 7

  1. Changed template. gave blog a more interesting look.
  2. Write one review.
  3. Post coments on 10 reviews.
  4. Read 50 reviews.
  5. 1 advert on rpoints.
  6. Write 4 posts on my blog.
  7. 10 posts on twitter.
  8. Try to increase twitter following to 100 (+20)
  9. 3 posts on facebook.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Daily thoughts.. blog

Most of the people who are hitting the blog are not viewing the pages or the adverts. This means the blog doesn`t catch thier interest. I am going to have to make a bigger impact with the front page to get them to read further and perhaps click on the odd advert. I have also got behind with writing reviews so I think that is what I need to get on with tomorrow

Total hits for 10th March = 7

Marketing day 6

Seven hits on my blog yesterday, its coming along nicely. I`m writing a list of top tips to try and grab the readers attention. I want to get readers to look at other pages as it seems that most hits are just one page. I`m also going to explore twitter a bit more today.
  1. Wrote list of top tips.
  2. Wrote 3 posts.
  3. 10 postings on twitter.
  4. 10 comments on Dooyoo.
  5. Read 50 reviews on Dooyoo.
  6. 3 posts on facebook.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Daily thoughts... blog

I`m really enjoying writing my blog now. It was fantastic to get nine hits. The people who hit the site didn`t appear to look through other postings on the blog so I think I will have to improve the first page to get readers more interested. I`m doing as much learning(sharpening the saw) as possible. Reading and searching through google looking for more idea`s on marketing my blog. I imagine that I will need to get hundreds of hits a day to build earnings. I have decided to record the number of hits on my blog each day to give an idea of how my marketing effort is doing. 

Total blog hits for 9th March  = 9

Marketing day 5

I was really pleased yesterday when my blog got nine hits, all from different readers. I think that is fantastic since it has only been marketed for the last four days. I suppose the only negative thing is that I can`t tell what bit of marketing is working best. The sitemeter can only tell the ISP address. Never mind. Now for todays efforts.
  1. Write at least four postings on my blog.
  2. Ten postings on twitter.
  3. Write 20 comments on Dooyoo
  4. Read 50 reviews on Dooyoo.
  5. 5 postings on facebook.
  6. 1 advert on rpoints.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

What is a elevator pitch

An elevator pitch is an overview of an idea for a product, service, or project. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch can be delivered in the time span of an elevator ride

Nasty comment

I felt bad today when some silly person wrote what I thought was a silly nasty comment against one of my reviews on Ciao. She made her comment sound as though what I had written was not from a visit I had made. It could lead another reader to believe that I was not being honest, when what she meant was that she thought I had written it in the wrong tense.

I took a look at her about me page and quickly saw that she was a self appointed "BULLY" who wants every body to know how important she is. What lesson have I learnt which will help me achieve better things from writing? be nice to everyone, help them and treat them as you wish to be treated.

Marketing day 4

  1. 10 posts on twitter.
  2. 5 new posts on blog
  3. Wrote 20 comments on dooyoo.
  4. Posted "elevator pitch" ie a snappy heading for the blog. I will be able to use this on my promotions etc. Something to catch the eye make readers click on my page.
  5. Revised about me page on Dooyoo to include elevator pitch.
  6. Revised signature on email to include elevator pitch.
  7. Read 50 reviews on Dooyoo.
  8. Updated my about me page on blogger.com

Week 3 Tuesday 9th March 2010

Slow progress this week, I haven`t written enough reviews nor done enough marketing. I have had three days when I havent done anything. So week 4 is going to require a lot more effort. I have set myself a target of £15 for the next week which will take my earnings to £50 ish. It will put a lot more time in and work harder if I am to make a go of making a decent income from writing on the web.

Earnings week 2                                                              

Adverts.  £23.13
Writing.  £11.54

Total.     £34.67                                                                                                                        

Monday 8 March 2010

Marketing day 3

  1. Read 50 reviews on Dooyoo.
  2. Write 10 comments on Dooyoo.
  3. Updated about me page on Dooyoo.
  4. At least 10 postings on twitter.
  5. Post on face book.

Thoughts for today

4 hits yesterday, that is about the same as the last couple of weeks. I think I will have to work harder on the marketing, I have changed the about me page on Dooyoo to give readers a little more info with regard to what my travel blog is all about, ie I have added a "to do" element by starting a how to get a free holiday. I also signed up on twitter and my aim is to start regular postings and build up a following on there.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Marketing day two

  1. Write and publish one review on Dooyoo.
  2. Publish one review on CIAO.
  3. Comment on twenty reviews on Dooyoo. 
  4. Read 75 reviews on Dooyoo
  5. One posting on facebook.
  6. Four postings on blogs.
  7. Signed up to Twitter.
  8. Signed up to Twiends.

Thoughts for today

A bit disappointing over the last two day`s, only five hits on my web page. A lot of this is because I haven`t kept up with posting and marketing. I realise now that it will take time and a lot of hard work to improve my blogs. I now need two spend the next week writing as many reviews as I can and try as many ideas as possible to improve traffic to the blogs.

Friday 5 March 2010


My Dooyoo reviews have reached £8.00, thats £2.00 for each review. I am now going to write at least 25 reviews each month, As I can also post the same reviews on CIAO and Igougo I think I should be able to comfortably earn between £75 to £100 per month. I have updated my list on how to maximise efforts on Dooyoo.

  1. Before writing your 1st post make sure you spend time getting used to the site and read as many reviews as you can. By doing this you will get a feel for what makes a good review.
  2. Don`t just write the minimum number of words. Other writers will get the feeling you are just writing to make a quick buck.
  3. Fill in your about me page , let others know who you are, make yourself interesting.
  4. Submit a photo or icon this will be more eye catching .
  5. Make your reviews as interesting as possible, learn about writing and try to continually improve.
  6. Don`t revenge rate.
  7. Try to read as many reviews as possible and be fair with your ratings.
  8. Try and make as many comments as possible, this will get your reviews read and commented on more often.
  9. Build your list of people you trust and people who trust you.
  10. Enjoy yourself.
  11. Use a spell checker.

Marketing day one

  • Update my profile on Dooyoo (loupnw) Make it clear for people to see how to visit my sites. Review and comment on 50 reviews to gain maximum exposure.
  • Send emails to everyone in my address book with link to my site.
  • Post advert on Rpoints, site plug forum.
  • 1 post on facebook.
  • Joined stumbleupon and posted site on there.

Thoughts for today

I had four hits yesterday, not many but it shows what needs to be improved quickly. I don`t think I have the time to update three sites each day so I will concentrate on my writing and publishing reviews. To increase the numbers of people who are viewing my sites I am going to embark on a thirty day marketing program to see how much I can increase my hit rate, If you have any ideas please let me know.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Thoughts for today

Looking at what I have achieved so far and what isn`t happening, I now need to promote my site with a view to start making money which is the basic idea of me writing a blog in the first place. Yesterday the three clicks on the adverts gave me 76 pence. That is a really good return. I now need to significantly increase the number of hits every day. I will make at least one new posting per day to ensure that I will have return readers.  I will also spend the weekend trying everyway possible of getting my blog viewed. This is important if I am to reached my £60.00 target by Tuesday.


Now that I have written some posts I will now start to advertise my site. I will begin to try loads of different ways of getting my site out into the world of cyber space and see how many hits per day I can achieve.
  1. Send email with link to all people in my address book.
  2. Advert on Gum tree.
  3. Post on Rpoints.
  4. Link to facebook.
  5. Link on Dooyoo


Posted my first review on CIAO, I found the site quite hard to use. I can`t use the picture from my other profiles as you have to use one of yourself.(that should frighten the readers when I can find a suitable one).
I am also struggling to find how much you get paid for each review and how you find where to submit the reviews to. When I typed in Paris it just showed a list of hotels, I`m still trying to find out how to submit my other reviews.

Wednesday 3 March 2010


Site now added to Yahoo.

Thank you! Your URL has been added to our list of URLs to crawl. Please expect a delay of several weeks before your URL is crawled.

Note that in the effort to maximize the quality of search results that appear on Yahoo! and our other distribution partners, we do not add every submitted URL to our search index. Therefore we cannot make predictions or guarantees about whether your URL will appear as a search result.



Share your place on the net with us.
We add and update new sites to our index each time we crawl the web, and we invite you to submit your URL here. We do not add all submitted URLs to our index, and we cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear.
Please enter your full URL, including the http:// prefix. For example: http://www.google.com/. You may also add comments or keywords that describe the content of your page. These are used only for our information and do not affect how your page is indexed or used by Google.

I have added my blog to google http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl

Wednesday thoughts

My first 4 reviews have earned over £7 so far, I will write another seven this week. Tomorrow I will submit my reviews to another site to give my earnings a boost. I have had a couple of hits on my blogs but no one has clicked onto the adverts. I have linked my blog to facebook and I now intend to increase my friends total as well as posting on facebook a few times each day. I joined  Rovers  on facebook this is giving me an easy way to get involved in posting and chat

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Week 2 Tuesday 2nd March 2010

Week 2 hasn`t increased the money by much, I suppose I have been setting up the blogs rather than focusing on increasing my income. £28.18 in two weeks isn`t a lot so I wll aim to increase this by a least £30 in week three. I will write 7 new reviews on Dooyoo and also publish theses on CAIO. This should bring in about £20 th rest I will try and bring in on Google adsense by promoting my new blog. So me target for week three is to hit £60 in the bank.

Earnings week 2

Adverts £21.61
Writing £ 6.57
Total £28.18


I think one of the hardest things to do is to stay motivated, most blogs get started then fail after a couple of posts. One problem is writers block, sat in front of the screen not knowing what to write, having no plan. Then you start thinking is it really worth it. to combat this I have started to write to do lists. I just jot down ten simple tasks to do on a bit of scrap paper. I work through them one at a time till all ten are completed. If I get stuck I just move on to the next task. Once all ten are finished  I make a new list and start again.
Just think if you were to complete ten easy tasks each day how big will your blog be after a year.

New blog

Having spent the weekend deciding the format for my new blog its now time to get it started. How easy is it to start a blog on google? Once you have opened an account with google just click on create a new blog, enter the name of your blog then chose a template. Thats it you can now start posting.
The whole idea of my blog is to make money from advertising so after making my first post I have added google adsense. Just click on layout then adsense. This provides you with free adverts from google which automatically relate to the content of your blog. Have a play about with adsense to get a feel of how it works. You get paid each time someone clicks on an advert, click on reports to show your earnings. google don`t say how much you earn per click, but I was surprised when my first earnings came through, most seem to be between 15 to 30 pence per click.


Just created an email signature to add to all the emails I send, I think it is important to advertise as much as possible and build up a following. The success of my blog will depend on as many people as possible viewing my pages on a daily basis.